Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tagged by Willow!

Willow tagged me for this game from It's a free association game. I'm going to give it a shot.

  1. Loneliness ::
  2. Whimper. I don't like being lonely!
  3. Traffic ::
  4. I cross traffic to get to PetSmart!
  5. Chaos ::
  6. Ok, I might have caused a little of that.
  7. Burp ::
  8. Mom and Dad have been known to do some good ones. I'm better at farts myself.
  9. 500 ::
  10. 500 what? Cookies? Snuggles? Adventures!?!?
  11. Movie ::
  12. Cuddle time!
  13. Coma ::
  14. That doesn't sound like a good thing.
  15. Bark ::
  16. Door! I need to bark at the door!
  17. Stare ::
  18. Dominance.
  19. Angelina ::
  20. Who?

How did I do? I'm going to tag Charlie Daniels, Maggie and Mitch, River and Oorvi. Only maybe wait for another week so there are different words. Your choice! Sniff ya later!


Willow the Black Dale said...

Bolo, you did great! I came up with my own words. Just because I am that kind of girl! teehee
Happy to see you are home safe after that long rainy car ride!!! How is your mom these days?

River said...

Interesting...Angelina who? Angelina Ballerina, of course! But that's because my mom is a librarian. Thanks for the tag. I'll try this tomorrow and see what I come up with.

love & wags,

Gaia the Airedale said...

Cool answers! And Happy Canada day late! If you want some treats, go ahead and peemail my mom at queen.gaia1@gmail so we can get your address and you can get ours for shipping

puppy breath,

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Bolo

Generally I don't do tags, but thanks for thinking of me ... I might save this for a slow day! ;-)



Molly the Airedale said...

Thanks for tagging us, Bolo! I think we'll wait till after my birthday to play, okay?
You sure had great answers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hi Bolo,

I've linked your blog through my newest post...Hope you don't mind:)

Do visit on your next trip out.

Licks n Wags,
