Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Tuesday Nose Report

I don't think it comes as a surprise to anyone that I have a kissable nose. Or smoochable is the term that you all tend to use. I'm ok with that. I'm big on smooches. For anyone who was wondering, some of my friends call me suedeface, because apparently kissing my nose is like kissing suede. Seeing as how my nose has a fan club, I tought I'd go through the animal kingdom and check out other creatures' noses for kissability. So, I bid you welcome to Tuesday's Nose Report. I'm your Reporter Pei, Bolo. Welcome.

For this most interesting of reports, I made use of the fact that my parents were going to the Metro Toronto Zoo. A somewhat impormptu trip, which I wish I could have joined them at but apparently they have a No Pets policy. I'll need to get a press badge for the next trip I guess.

Our first nose kiss belong to my Uncle Brett. Either that or he's trying to shove the snake UP his nose. I would say both have kissable noses, Uncle Brett's might be a bit easier to reach, seeing as how it's bigger than the snake's.
Just as a note, Uncle Brett doesn't live at the zoo, this is from the weekend before the zoo trip and I realized I hadn't show the picture off and it fit really well with the theme, so I included it.

Our second picture belongs to the Stingray. Daddy and Grandad had a chance to pet them! Mommy just took pictures. This stingray thought it might be cool to check out who these people were above the water. If you can find his nose, I think it would be kissable.

This guy is much bigger than he looks. It's the komodo dragon at the zoo. He's venomous and has a very dirty mouth. Literally. Full of bacteria that's not good for a body if he decides to take a nip of you. I'm sure his nose is probably kissable, but I'm not going to be the first one to go and check it out.
Let me introduce you to Matschie's Tree Kangaroo. Now THAT is a cute kissable pink nose. He must have known I was doing a nose expose don't you think?

Our last picture for today is the Swamp Wallaby. I can't find him in the zoo's animal directory, but I'm pretty sure he's different form the other wallaby they have (I'll post about them next time!) Look at that nose though! Don't you just want to smooch it!

That's all the time I have for The Nose Report for this week. I'm your Reporter Pei, Bolo, signing off.

Sniff ya later!


Dexter said...

Bolo -
Thanks for the tour of the animal kingodm, but I'm just not seeing anything that even registers on the smoochie scale. Guess you'll have to keep looking.


River said...

Nothing compares with a Bolo nose. My mom almost fell into the monitor after your nose!! bol

love & wags,

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Bolo

I didn't read very well (I think I must still be asleep) but at first I thought all those animals were in your backyard! ;-)



Lorenza said...

Hi, Bolo!
You did a great Nose Report!
Yes, you have a kissable nose!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Hi Bolo,

That was a great post...but it doesn't alter the fact that your nose is the most smoochable nose:)

Licks, Wags, and kisses!


Dandy Duke said...

We'd rather kiss your nose any day than one of those other noses!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lindsay said...

The Girl says she'd rather kiss your nose, Bolo!

Brown dog kisses (and Girlie smoochies for your nose!),
Dannan and The Girl