Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nosevember Contest Answers and Week 2 Noses!

Wow, that's a long title.

So here are the answers to last week's Nosevember contest.

Nose 1:

It's a bunny rabbit.

Nose 2:

As an aside, this is NOT Puppy's Favorite Cow who lives in the farm behind our house.  This is an anonymous cow.

Nose 3:

This nose belongs to Limba, an Asian Elephant Puppy and Grandad got to ride on at a fair.  She lives at the Bowmanville Zoo and was all decorated up because she's also a movie star.

Nose 4:
Ostrich chicks.  Who knew they would be so velocoraptorish.

So far, we're in a 7-way tie!

Here are our Guest Noses for Week 2!  Thank you to my pawesome friends for submitting their noses!  Yes, you can guess your own nose and it will be counted as a point.  Oh, and you get a bonus point if you can guess WHOSE nose it is.

Week 2 Nose 1
Does this nose belong to
A) Rabbit
B) Cat
C) Lion Cub

Week 2 Nose 2
Does this nose belong to:
A) Labrador
B) Submarine
C) Mastiff

Week 2 Nose 3
 Does this nose belong to:
A) Shepherd Cross
B) Fox
C) Greyhound

Week 2 Nose 4

Does this nose belong to:
A) Spaniel
B) Mastiff
C) Husky

Week 2 Nose 5
Does this nose belong to:
A) Mastiff
B) Horse
C) Favorite Cow

Ok!  remember to send your answers (and any extra noses you have) to bolo (at) magma (dot) ca .  Or you can answer on Facebook, or in the comment section!

Thank you for playing, Sniff ya later!


The WriggleButts said...

WE've guessed!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow, this one is a toughie. Gotta study it a little bit.

{{{huggies}}} amd a special nose kiss for you.......Mona

Dexter said...

I guessed I guessed and you know what? I don't think ANY of those was a labradoink. Hehehe.


Two French Bulldogs said...

those are some cute noses
Benny & Lily

Pippa said...

I have played too. Another toughie as Mona, Weenie and Mommy barked/said.

We do think this is a fun game and a super way to spend time trying to work out whose the snoses belong to.


Pippa said...

Oh, I forgot - I added a reminded on the bottom of my blog post too. I know I mentioned it earlier, but people don't always read back, so I thought a quick reminder might help.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Week 2 Nose 1 B Cat
Week 2 Nose 2 C Mastiff
Week 2 Nose 3 C Greyhound
Week 2 Nose 4 A Spaniel
Week 2 Nose 5 B Horse

What a fun game.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

We've just sent in our guesses :)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Is that Pippa's snose we see?